Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Day -5: Car Trouble

Well, with only 5 days until I take off I am trying to finish all of my planning and preparation. I got up nice and early on Sunday to make the trek to Munster, Indiana to drop Virgil off at Tunde's. As I was loading up the car with all of Virgil's stuff, I saw that it had been broken into overnight. Someone had taken a crowbar to the passenger-side window bending the window frame and shattering the glass. They then took the crowbar to the locked glove box splitting it and getting the face to my CD player and then ripped the stereo out. Just what I need to deal with this last week before I leave...especially since I am supposed to drive this car to Virginia.

So, it took me about 45 minutes to clean all the glass out of my car after I spent 30 minutes on the phone with the police and the insurance company. I then loaded up Virgil and we made the trek to Indiana. With the window busted out, semi-trucks driving by, the wind blowing through the car, and Virgil crying as loud as he could...it turned out to be a very stressful car ride. But, Virgil is now at Tunde's and appears to be having an interesting time...poor Tunde.

I've decided that it's something about hiking the trail that is bad luck for my car. In 2000, when my mom drove me down to Georgia in my car to start my hike, we parked at the Springer Mountain parking lot. This lot is in the middle of nowhere in the mountains. We had a really hard time even finding it. My mom hiked with me the first day and night and then hiked back to the car the next day only to find that 2 of the tires on the car had been slashed as well as several other cars in the lot too. So, my mom got stuck in Nowhere, Georgia for an extra day getting new tires put onto the car.

So, I'm not surprised that this happened with my car now the week before I leave...it's my destiny.


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