Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Day 18: Still in Waynesboro...

Yes, I am STILL in Waynesboro. My supply mail drop is M.I.A. so I've been in town waiting for it. I did a 17.5 mile slack-pack yesterday, but today I'm just sitting around waiting for the mail drop. If it doesn't come, I am hiking out tomorrow either way. I can resupply with food at the grocery store which is no big deal, but my maps for the next 100 miles of the trail are in the mail drop. So, if it doesn't come, I'll have to hike blind...not knowing what the terrain looks like and such. Would rather not do that, but will if it doesn't come by tomorrow morning. I think the people at the post office are tired of seeing me. :)

So, when I woke up yesterday morning and went to the post office to discover my mail drop still wasn't here, I decided to hire a shuttle to take me up the trail to do a slack-pack. The guy picked me up and took me up the trail 17.5 miles at 11:30. I then hiked all day back into Waynesboro.

I had only hiked about a mile when I stopped to roll the sleeves to my t-shirt up because it was so hot. There was all this commotion to the left of me and I look over and I see several bears just 10 feet from me. I say a choice 4-letter word and start walking away very fast. When I turn back, I see that it is a mother bear and two cubs and they are now on the trail following me...lovely. After a while, they finally gave up. Shenandoah National Park did not disappoint with its guarantee of bear run-ins.

With only 5 miles remaining...guess what happened? It stormed and it stormed and it stormed...go figure. I think rain just likes me. When it finally stopped raining, I literally took off my clothes and wrung them out. I know what you are thinking...Weird Naked Man...but, I at least kept my undergarments on while I was wringing out my shorts and t-shirt.

I finally made it back to Rockfish Gap at 6:15 and called a phone number off the Trail Angel Shuttle List. So, John came and picked me up and drove me the 5 miles back into Waynesboro and to the YMCA where I am now tenting it while I wait for my mail drop. John felt so sorry for me that I was so soaked that he waited for me to change into dry clothes and then drove me to this Italian restaurant where I ate dinner. He insisted on coming back to pick me up to take me back to the YMCA when I was done eating, but I wouldn't let him. He was a VERY nice old man.

At 7:30am this morning, I am sleeping in my tent when I hear someone yelling my name. I open up the tent and its John (the trail angel). He insists on taking me out to breakfast and then to the post office to see if my mail drop has come. After breakfast and an unsuccessful trip to the P.O., John then took me on a tour of Waynesboro and showed me the new Wal-Mart. He said, "Being from Chicago, Wal-Mart probably isn't a big deal...but this was HUGE for Waynesboro." He was funny...

Did I forget to mention that I woke up this morning with poison ivy all over my face? Yeah, so I spent 3 hours at a walk-in clinic today. I figured it was better sitting in that waiting room rather than out in the 100 degree heat. Got some medicine for it, so hopefully it won't spread any further. I tend to be pretty allergic. :(

Well, I will be hiking out tomorrow for sure. When my mom comes this weekend, she will check at the P.O. for my mail drop if its not here tomorrow morning.

Loved all the comments on the last posting. You guys make me chuckle. Miss all of you!!


At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, this sounds pretty brutal! I knew it was going to be an "experience", but I'm not sure I appreciated the scope! The only time I've ever slept in a wet tent, it was in the campsite's garbage can the next morning. I feel so wimpy.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Rash said...

So does this put you behind schedule at all? Good luck on the next leg of your trip!

At 5:57 PM, Blogger John Pelz said...

There it is.......the encounter that will keep me away from said “trail” indefinitely – bears. And 10 feet away too……..sheer insanity.

Think about it…….everyone has an all-encompassing fear in life……Bruce Wayne had bats, I have bears, and Rafferty has any sort of "leggings" that are tight in the thigh area.

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Allyson. You're just now hitting your stride. I thought about you the other day when I was searching for "summer music" for my spin class. I downloaded "Walking on Sunshine" and remembered it to be one of your favorite songs! HA! Keep on keeping on!

At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bears and Walmarts... Sure sounds fancy. Be careful (I am NOT recruiting for another QA person)!

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In honor of your rain-filled hike, I am going to shower every morning fully dressed and then walk to work soaking wet. I'm also going to keep calling Mike Wallace 'Patches'.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Doug said...

Keep trucking Straka, and be happy to know that I found an amazing pulled pork restaurant for when you return. Good stuff. They even have $3 24 oz PBRs.

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get me started on sleeping in wet tents and wetter sleeping bags. That's pure misery. You sure John "Patches" Pelz didn't fly out and fiddle with your tent while you were eating McDonalds?? Also, am I the only one that cringed upon reading that you'd hitch-hiked? I think I'd take my chances with bears rather than hop in the back of Billy Bob's pickup. I'm sending you my el card in your next maildrop...

At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I've enjoyed reading Tunde's blog about her adventures with Virgil more than your adventures on the trail? Maybe it's just the "haha" interjections. In you next post can you put in a lot of "haha?" For instance...."Last night, a bear ripped apart my tent. He was so big and I had to fight him off by squirting him with my water bottle. haha. His face was soaked and he kept smacking his lips as he ran away. haha. The creepy naked guy watching me sleep even laughed too. haha."

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just as much fun reading the comments as it is your blog! I was a little wary of "Silver Oak's" comment. I was pretty sure it was Mo, once I read the part about Texax A&M. I was 100% sure when I clicked on Silver Oak's link and I was taken to a BSC Blog site. Only Mo..... :)

Anyways, hope this week has been better. We miss you lots here!!!! Be safe! ~Dubs.

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Allyson -
I have been reading your blog and it is unbelievable, but it sounds like you are really having an experience. I think if you can do something like this, you can do anything! You go girl!! I am getting ready go to Hee Haw town with Paul and his family. I miss Corky, my little beagle terribly and would like to get another dog, but Paul doesn't want to do that to Murphy since she is 14. We will see. I had dinner with Anita, Stephanie, Vicki & Stella (Steph's baby girl) at Cheeseburger in Paradise, new restaurant in Blmgtn. Steph is doing great and may move back to IN, Anita is going to work for the CPA firm that I work for during tax season, so we are sort working together again. Keep up the good work and look out for Naked Men!!


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